BIS 6.7 Process Monitoring in action ⏺


:record_button: The recordings are now available:

:uk: :us: Meet the Expert – Breakthrough: BIS 6.7 Process Monitoring in Action!

:de: Meet the Expert – Ein weiterer Meilenstein: Erleben Sie BIS 6.7 Prozess-Monitoring in Action!

Thank you very much to our speaker @cgassmann

the full screen does not work from here looks like. I have to click on the link and play it from a different page.

Hm, the [ ] button works on Safari/iPad for fullscreen for me, but we also have the video on YouTube here: I think it’s planned to use that platform (instead of previously used Vimeo) predominantly from our resource center ( the posts here point to the center)

Update: I just noticed it does not work in Edge on Windows. Neither is there a full-frame icon nor does the Vimeo Logo link lead to the Video.

Hopefully it solves itself, @c.glaser is currently replacing the links with the YouTube variant.

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@ fjiwani

Hi, hope you can watch the video now. Please let me know, if your issue is solved.
Have a great day, Chris